2 Disadvantages Of Overly Compacted Soil For Growing Plants

Posted on: 10 May 2017

Whether you are looking to start a small vegetable garden on your property at home or if you are interested in growing crops to sell, one thing that you should be worried about is soil compaction. If soil is overly compacted, you could face various issues when growing your plants. These are a couple of reasons why you should consider using a small tool -- like a soil penetrometer -- to determine the compaction levels of your fuel, then do something about it before you plant your vegetables or other plants.

1. Compacted Soil Can Prevent Roots from Growing

First of all, as you probably already know, if you want your plants to thrive when you plant them, you have to encourage the roots to grow. Unfortunately, in many cases, root systems will not truly grow and spread as they normally would if the soil is too compact. Basically, it can be difficult for sensitive brand new roots to push their way through the soil in this type of situation. If the soil is not as compact, however, your plants' roots can travel through the soil and grow and thrive as they are supposed to, which can lead to bigger and healthier plants.

2. Water Might Not Be Absorbed Properly

As you probably already know, ensuring that your plants get ample water is critical for their survival. If your soil is overly compact, you may have to worry about the water not soaking into the soil as it is supposed to. Instead, it might pool and puddle on top of the soil if the soil is overly compact, which can prevent your plants from getting the water that they need and which can cause mud and other types of messes in the area where you are attempting to grow your plants. This can be a problem in any area, but it can be a particularly serious issue if you live in an area where you might already be concerned about your plants not getting enough water, such as if you are concerned about droughts in your area.

As you can see, compacted soil can be a bigger deal than many people realize. If you are planning on growing flowers, shrubs, trees, vegetables, or fruits, it is smart for you to check on the compaction levels of your soil. Luckily, there are tools out there that can help you with this, such as a soil penetrometer.
